Full Automated Robot Machines

Full-automatic machine to crimp contacts on a flexibele circuit and put a housing over the contact. An in-line quality check is included.


In these production cells, the entire process runs without the intervention of an operator. The flexible circuits are supplied to the machine on pallets, while the finished circuits also leave the process on pallets.
A one-piece-flow system can also be chosen according to customer wishes.
In the production cell, the flexible circuits are transported from one station to another by means of robots.

Possible process steps include : picking up a circuit, crimping, optically verifying/measuring the position of the installed contacts, attaching labels, folding the flexible circuit, and automatic controlled installation of the connector housing, visual inspection of the finished product … and collecting the finished product.



In the manufacture of these automatic production cells, we configure our mostly existing building blocks into a tailor-made production process.

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