
Cable terminator for IDC contacts (Amphenol 957M-100-2101).

type ADSL, 64 and 100 positions (Amphenol) 957M-100-2101


The cable terminator is a semi-automatic machine designed to install individual wires into the corresponding cable connector.

    • It can accept 1, 2, 3 and 4 row connectors.
    • The machine can accept only one type of connector.
    • The connector must be placed in a fixed nest on the machine.
    • The operator must present the wire in the wire guide and activate the start button.
    • When then button is activated, the wire is cut and inserted into the IDC contact by the insertion head.
    • The cable terminator can only insert 1 wire per cycle.
    • The connector must be rotated by hand to start with the next row.
    • The connector shifts automatically to the next position.
    • The opening in the wire guide can be changed manual.
    • The process is visualized on a small B&W LCD display with tactile buttons to operate it.
    • up to 99 programs are possible
    • A limited diagnostic screen is available for inputs and outputs.

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